Saturday, January 14, 2012

25 Weeks!

Monday I will be 25 weeks pregnant.  I'm well over halfway, especially if the babe comes early like the midwife thinks.

I took Tuesday as a rest day, and I think it was well-deserved.  Being active is so important, but so is rest.  This is even more true when your body is busy growing another human being.  Wednesday I ran a quick two miles on the treadmill after school, ate an early dinner, and then went to my first prenatal yoga class in three years.

When you picture yoga, do you picture gentle stretching?  relaxation? meditation?

Yeah, there was a little of that, but there was a lot more standing poses, planks, and goodness gracious we did about a hundred slow squats!  Two days later I still couldn't quite walk.  I ran a mile Thursday to loosen up the quads, and I ran 2.5 yesterday while finishing last week's Downton Abbey.  I even played with pace, as much as someone in my condition can.  Well, as much as I can.  I'm guessing Kara Goucher ran a little bit faster during her pregnancy.  Just sayin'.  With a base pace of 5.5 mph, I added in 2-minute intervals between 5.7 and 6.0 with one-minute rests at base.  It was more entertaining than my recent treadmill runs, so that was good.

Today was jsut a yoga day.  My legs are still sore!

Tomorrow's plan is to run outside, possibly with a dog, during the Bambino's nap tomorrow.  If he chooses not to take a nap (which has been happening more and more lately), I'll work something out.

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